Recent Foodborne Illness Outbreaks in the News

Recent Foodborne Illness Outbreaks in the News

Romaine lettuce. Tahini. Raw meat. Pre-cut melon. These were just some of the foods that made the news in 2018 as part of a record high number of foodborne illness outbreaks. While foodborne illness outbreaks typically peak in the summer, 2018 was perceived to be higher than in recent years. What caused this perception?

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Your 2019 New Year’s Resolution: Improve Guest Experience to Increase Repeat Visits

Your 2019 New Year’s Resolution: Improve Guest Experience to Increase Repeat Visits

It’s a new year, filled with new hopes and dreams, and a time we make resolutions for ourselves to improve both personally and professionally. What about New Year’s resolutions for our restaurants? How would we like our restaurants to improve in the next year? Chew on this: A study found that 60% of guests said a positive experience will cause them to dine at the restaurant more frequently. Also, researchers found that if you can bring back 5 percent of your customer base in a variety of industries, it could result in a surge in revenue of 25 percent to 125 percent. Imagine your bottom line if more than 5 percent of your guests became repeat visitors?!

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What Can Cruise Lines Teach the Restaurant Industry?

What Can Cruise Lines Teach the Restaurant Industry?

There’s a common misconception about cruise lines that has plagued the industry for years. “The cruise-ship virus” – or Norovirus, as it’s known on land – is most commonly associated with illness outbreaks on cruises. But what does all this have to do with restaurants? Don’t worry – we’re getting there…

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Are Your Employees Increasing Your Risk for Norovirus?

Are Your Employees Increasing Your Risk for Norovirus?

It’s no secret that Norovirus is a major issue facing the foodservice industry, due to its frequency and ability to spread quickly. Food safety protocols are an invaluable tool to keep guests safe from illness, but they’re only half the picture. You may be monitoring what’s coming in the back door in the way of supplies, but do you know what’s walking in the front door with your employees?

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The Top Reasons Your Surface Sanitizing Falls Short

The Top Reasons Your Surface Sanitizing Falls Short

Although the “bucket and rag” method may be the industry standard for cleaning surfaces in restaurants, if not performed properly, these techniques can be ineffective at best. Cleaning and sanitizing with reusable towels requires constant monitoring of the sanitizing solution, the surfaces being cleaned, and the towels themselves.

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Why Do We Need Spill Kits?

Why Do We Need Spill Kits?

A comprehensive body fluid spill kit is one of the most important tools food safety teams can include as a part of their overall risk management plans. The benefits outweigh the relatively minor costs of including response kits as a part of an organization’s protocols. There are three main reasons why organizations should seriously consider investing in body fluid spill kits.

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The Best Defense Against Norovirus is a Good Response Plan

The Best Defense Against Norovirus is a Good Response Plan

Recent changes to the U.S. food codes call for the inclusion of a written plan to address body fluid spills. Yet, not all response plans are the same, making it important for you to have a proper plan for bodily fluid accident clean-up. The following response plan outlines a recommended defense against unplanned accidents and spills involving body fluids like vomit, blood and diarrhea.

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Avoiding Cross-Contamination: It’s All About the Details.

Avoiding Cross-Contamination: It’s All About the Details.

It’s common knowledge in the foodservice industry that cleaning and sanitizing surfaces, along with proper hand hygiene practices, is one of the best ways to prevent cross-contamination of germs in restaurants. But just because things look clean doesn’t mean they are – kitchen equipment, storage areas, countertops and even cutting boards can hide germs and food soils even after they’ve been cleaned and sanitized. And that’s bad news for your food safety program.

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How Can You Prevent the Spread of Hepatitis A?

How Can You Prevent the Spread of Hepatitis A?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Hepatitis A is a highly contagious liver infection that is usually transmitted either through person-to-person contact or through consumption of contaminated food or water[1]. It is usually transmitted when an infected person has not properly washed his or her hands after using the restroom or before preparing and eating food.

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Get Your Restaurant Ready. Summer Travel Season is Here.

It’s hard to believe but summer and the summer travel season is almost here. This upcoming weekend marks the unofficial start of summer, and soon people will be hitting the road for vacations, trips to see family and friends and other fun activities. And, most likely their travel will include a stop to relax and grab a bite to eat. With more than 39.3 million US travelers expected to take to the road, skies, rails and water this Memorial Day weekend[1], now is the perfect time to make sure your restaurant is ready. 

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